Harne's Marsh, 1-23-11
Just beginning to SEE...
and taking the time to reflect!
It's the first day of my "back home to Africa" TRIP. I decided to share my reflections along the way, so it's also the first day of my blogging career!
The ancient practice, or really it's a discipline, of reflecting or contemplating or meditating has become very much a part of my day by day journeying. There are many approaches which I have enjoyed discovering - a few I have delved more deeply into. The first step though is to simply SEE...and then choose to stop and reflect!
So much goes on around us which we totally miss without setting aside the time and energy to SEE and then making the heart connection to reflect on what we SEE. This reminds me of the first image above, which I took a week ago at a new preserve near my home in Florida. It was a beautiful blue sky, so very clear day. There were many kinds of birds. As birders do, I started with the big picture, the general view. With my 'bins' in hand, I then focused in and began to really SEE what was there in the brush by the waterside! The little fellow on the left come into sharp view...and the reflection of his stepping out gave dynamic and delight as I watched!
As I fly east today toward the place where I lived for many years, I am set to do some serious SEEing and I am determined to also enter into reflecting on what comes my way.
As I fly east today toward the place where I lived for many years, I am set to do some serious SEEing and I am determined to also enter into reflecting on what comes my way.
Join me!
Choose something in your day to SEE and take some time to reflect. Stepping out like this definitely offers each of us an adventure to be enjoyed!
"We need to capture the awareness of our own life as an adventure...
we need to set ourselves time and space for this quest...
(we need to) enter more deeply into life and the world around us."
A Desert in the Ocean, pg 3
A Desert in the Ocean, pg 3
Congratulations Betsy, for taking this big step! Have a wonderful trip. Be. See. Reflect. Enjoy. I look forward to following along with you!