Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Ever Deeper

Joal-Fadiouth at sunset, February 13, 2011


On my recent birding trip, I thoroughly enjoyed many different habitats, some busy with birds and others full - of silence. The Sine Saloum delta south of Joal, on this west coast of Africa, met me at sunset as far as the eye - and the heart - could see, with such a silence . I found reflected in sky and sand and mangrove estuary a deeply soothing beauty and clarity. It had been scorching hot just moments before. And then, the hint of a cool breeze wafted in over the flats from the sea. Day in an instant folded into evening. The light quality was transformed from bright bright to golden. This photo which I took as I breathed in the cool reflects the this all in a rather stunning way. Places close to the equator are known for these rapid changes. Experiencing it out there on the dusty road to 'nowhere' was a treat!

There are places we can choose to go where we find silence, and time - to reflect on deeper matters of the heart and mind. Issues, challenges which we have wrestled with in the brightness of their complexity suddenly can be more clearly perceived in the mellower, golden light. We understand more fully as we reflect on contributing factors, potential options and ways to get through - or around if necessary - and move forward.

As I reflect on my golden Joal-Fadiouth en-light-ening through this week, I am looking at some of my current challenges. How do I grow my business in ways which are realistic, balanced and and engaging for my partners, my clients and me as well? What are my priorities, my needs for organizing, my paths forward - step by step?

It's an exciting pilgrimage!

A recent entrepreneur training article I read stated, "Entrepreneurs need to spend much less time at their computer imagining their new business and more time out engaging with real life customers..." (Jeff Cornwall, The Entrepreneurial Mind, Nov, 2010) which I'll add "AND engaging in real life, with all its deepest opportunities"!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Betsy, thank you for sharing your beautiful reflections... and for sharing your Africa. I am blessed. love, k. xo
